12 Live sessions remaining – 13 sessions available on demand
Live Mondays at 11:30AM ET
Ultrasound Essentials 1 – Individual Access – A single login for Ultrasound Essentials 1, plus a Certificate of Completion.
Ultrasound Essentials – Part 1 (UE1) is 25 bundled short courses designed to kickstart any ultrasound journey. The courses are delivered both “live” and “on-demand”. UE1 is comprised of three learning categories.
Foundational Knowledge – information that lays the footings for understanding ultrasound and its significant role as the first line of defense against unplanned downtime, energy conservation, environmental sustainability, and employee safety.
Application Knowledge – information that connects the dots between foundational knowledge and how reliability professionals use ultrasound to advance reliability of their assets while creating a winning culture.
Hardware and Software Knowledge – engaging and empowering the skills required for inspectors to use SDT solutions in the field, and in the office.
All sessions are short in length, and include an evaluation at the end of each course. Our vision is to be laser focused on the topic, and keep the delivery short enough to attract both inspectors and management level participants.
Course Outline
Ultrasound Basics – Foundational Knowledge – An overview about the principle concepts of ultrasound and wave propagation theory as they apply to ultrasound for asset condition monitoring.
Sensors – Foundational Knowledge – Understand how ultrasound sensors work. Focus on airborne and structure borne sensor types and tie both sensor structures to applications. Discuss sensor placement, boundary behaviors, and sensor selection by application.
8 Application Pillars- Applications Knowledge – The 8-Pillars of Ultrasound comprise the first step in connecting the dots between Foundational Knowledge and Practical Applications. Understand the concepts of FIT and how it ties back to understanding where ultrasound is most useful.
Condition Indicators – Applications Knowledge – SDT’s unique measurements are feedback mechanisms for truly understanding the specific condition of any asset. The Four Condition Indicators (4CI) take inspections beyond the single decibel and elevate the meanings derived from static trends. Understand how 4Ci develops understanding of the 4 stages of bearing failure.
Lubrication – Applications Knowledge – This application pillar receives more attention than the other seven presently. This is attributed to the poor job industry does to keep physical assets in an optimally lubricated state.
Why We Lubricate – Applications Knowledge – Lube techs inject grease into bearings every day. Do they know why? This course explains the real reasons behind bearing grease replenishment while dispelling a few myths.
How Grease Works – Applications Knowledge – This course explains how the greasing mechanism is built and maintained for the life of the bearing. It explains the churning and bleeding phases that grease lives in. It also explains how the greasing mechanism is destroyed by poor lubrication practices and how that impacts the L10 life of the bearing.
FMEA for Lube Programs – Applications Knowledge – Poor lubrication practices accounts for as much as 80% of all bearing failures. What are those bad practices, what are the failure modes, their effects, and what every reliability manager must know before deciding which assets to add and how to prioritize them in their database.
LUBExpert 1 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – LUBExpert is an ultrasound solution for greasing bearings right. LUBExpert-1 provides students with an overview of the buttons and screens on LUBExpert hardware. It is an essential introduction for lube techs prior to taking the system into the field.
LUBExpert 2 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – LUBExpert-2 extends the knowledge from LUBExpert-1. It covers the lubrication replenishment workflow and artificial intelligence decision making inherent in LUBExpert systems.
UAS2 for LUBExpert – Hardware/Software Knowledge – UAS2 for LUBExpert focuses on the desktop software that manages all the assets in your lubrication program. Learn how to create data trees, lube workorders, generate shopping lists, lube alarms, grease type and grease gun database management, and much more.
SDT270DU-PRO 1 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – SDT270DU is a complete hardware platform for inspecting, trending, and analyzing potential sources of asset failures. This course addresses the button pushes and basic operation of the data collector. It also reviews all items delivered in the kit.
SDT270DU-PRO 2 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – SDT270DU-PRO-2 addresses in-the-field operations of the data collector including how to collect and store data and much more.
UAS2 – 1 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – UAS2-1 is part 1 of a 3 part course on UAS2 software. In part 1 we address basic housekeeping tasks necessary to get UAS2 setup for use. Also learn the screen layout, how to manage your desktop view, and more.
UAS2 – 2 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – UAS2-2 is part 2 of a 3 part course on UAS2 software. In part 2 learn how to create asset databases, upload surveys and download data, work with surveys, alarms, and sort lists.
UAS2 – 3 – Hardware/Software Knowledge – UAS2-3 is part 3 of a 3 part course on UAS2 software. In part 3 learn how to use the various analysis tools in UAS2 to assess asset data and make decisions and recommendations.
How Bearings Fail – Applications Knowledge – FMEA (failure modes an effect analysis) is an important tool for all asset reliability; especially rolling element bearings. This short course looks at types of bearing failures, their causes, and how to decipher them as part of a root cause analysis. Understanding how bearings fail helps ultrasound inspectors assess data and anticipate potential downtime.
Mechanical – Applications Knowledge – The applications for ultrasound that fall under the “Mechanical” umbrella are vast. Many inspectors think only of rotating assets like bearings for inspection and trending. For ultrasound there are many more opportunities for winning finds in assets that don’t rotate. Learn how to apply ultrasound for condition monitoring bearings, gears, chain drives, direct and flexible couplings, linear bearings, and more. Understand sensor selection, instrument settings, and data collection tricks and tips for success.
Variable Frequency Drives – Applications Knowledge – With so many electric motors controlled by variable speed drives, condition monitoring departments need a solution to assess bearing health. Noise generated by VFDs raise difficulties for traditional technologies like vibration. In this short course discover new methods that use SDT’s 4 condition indicators to overcome VFD noise and provide data to assess the health of bearings.
Time Waveform – Hardware/Software Knowledge – Advanced analysis of rotating assets, electrical faults, reciprocating machines, valves, steam traps, and more is now possible with hardware that collects dynamic data. This course explains how to apply tools within UAS2 to analyze time signals collected by the SDT270DU-PRO kit. Learn about delta cursors, harmonic cursors, and more. Lessons apply to both ultrasound and vibration data collected with SDT270DU.
Spectral Analysis – Hardware/Software Knowledge – Advanced analysis of rotating assets, electrical faults, and reciprocating compressors is possible using spectral analysis tools in UAS2. Both ultrasound and vibration data collected with the SDT270DU-PRO is analyzed with familiar tools. Learn how to apply these tools for both front line and complimentary analysis of assets.
Leaks – Applications Knowledge – Most facilities without a compressed air leak management program don’t realize that as much as 40% of compressor capacity might be spent satisfying leakage. This course raises awareness about the true cost of compressed air leaks, discusses methods for finding, documenting, and verifying repair of compressed air leaks.
Electrical – Applications Knowledge – Unreliable electrical assets not only cost millions of dollars per year in downtime and repairs, they have the ability to main and kill. This short course addresses safety guidelines for inspections, what causes partial discharge and how to identify it at the source using various ultrasound sensors and techniques.
Valves – Applications Knowledge – Many maintenance strategies when it comes to valves is “run to failure.” For reliability leaders that simply isn’t good enough. This short course looks at a variety of types of valves used in industry, and the failure modes common, and detectable with ultrasound. Learn inspection techniques and how to identify valve function and proper sensor placement.
Steam – Applications Knowledge – Steam traps function like most valves and their failure modes are similar too. Failed steam traps detract from overall system efficiency, waste money, and detract from product quality. In this short course learn how to identify different trap styles and which inspection methods are most effective. Understand safety around high pressure steam. Learn how to select the right ultrasound instrument, set up, and sensors for every inspection.
Who Should Take Ultrasound Essentials 1?
- Plant Managers
- Shift Supervisors
- Ultrasound Inspectors
- Maintenance Planners
- Reliability Leadership
- Technicians
- Millwrights
- Electricians
- Condition Monitoring Technicians
- Operators