SDT Training Center

UBE-Black Liquor Vacuum Experiences

Many years ago we were asked to locate vacuum leaks hidden behind insulated sheet metal using ultrasound. This was a job most inspectors would refuse but we knew one that was up to the challenge. Dr. Karl Hoffower, DC, CRL, principle of Failure Prevention Associates, LLC was a preferred solutions provider for SDT Ultrasound Solutions at the time and he happily volunteered for the challenge. Now, several years removed from that job, we still reminisce about the managers peering skyward as Karl, suspended in the lift basket, slapped Gortex sealers on corroded sections of the Black Liquor Evaporator Stack. I invite you to join Karl and I this Thursday (April 16th) at 11AM ET as we retell the story of how a challenging leak detection job potentially saved one pulp manufacturer from bankruptcy.

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