SDT Training Center

SDT Ultrasound Level One Course Overview

SDT Ultrasound Solutions
Ultrasound Level One Course Overview


Working from SDT’s course guide, designed by experts from around the world, students are exposed to Introductory Sound Theory. They learn how to apply this versatile technology to the inspection disciplines of an effective airborne ultrasound program. They gain confidence in interpreting data and applying decisions.

Students who successfully complete the curriculum will receive an accreditation certificate from SDT Ultrasound Solutions

Course Objectives

  • To promote inspector confidence in airborne ultrasonic inspections
  • To provide a thorough understanding of ultrasound technology and its applications
  • To ensure inspectors meet the standard level of knowledge and expertise for successful inspections
  • To uphold the unique and significant place of airborne ultrasound in Energy Management, Predictive Maintenance Programs and Quality Control

Students will Learn

  • The principles of ultrasound applied to predictive maintenance
  • Properties of leaks
  • How to quickly find leaks in any industrial environment
  • How to apply sound based techniques to lubrication tasks
  • How to apply sound based techniques to predict mechanical failures
  • How to identify a faulty steam trap
  • The effects of electrical faults and how to safely detect problems

Course Breakdown

Day 1:

  • Course Introduction
  • SDT Training Standards
  • Principles of Ultrasound (Part 1 & 2)
  • Equipment Function, FIT, Eight Application Pillars
  • Condition Monitoring and the Inspector’s Philosophy
  • Data Storage Management & Condition Indicators

 Day 2:

  • Basic Instrument Function for Inspect & Detect
  • Application Pillar 1; Leaks (Part 1 &2)
  • Application Pillar 2; Steam
  • Application Pillar; 3, 4, & 5 – Valves, Hydraulics & Tightness Testing

Day 3:

  • Application Pillar 6; Electrical
  • Analyst’s Philosophy; Measure/Trend/Analyze/Act
  • Application Pillar 7; Mechanical (Part 1 & 2)
  • Application Pillar 8; Lubrication (Part 1 & 2)

Day 4:

  • Morning Review
  • Exam
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