
Ultrasound Essentials Kickstarter is 4 bundled short courses designed to provide students with everything they must know to understand the principles of ultrasound! The courses are delivered “on-demand”.

Foundational Knowledge – information that lays the footings for understanding ultrasound and its significant role as the first line of defense against unplanned downtime, energy conservation, environmental sustainability, and employee safety.

Course Outline

Ultrasound Basics – Foundational Knowledge – An overview about the principle concepts of ultrasound and wave propagation theory as they apply to ultrasound for asset condition monitoring.  

Sensors – Foundational Knowledge – Understand how ultrasound sensors work. Focus on airborne and structure borne sensor types and tie both sensor structures to applications. Discuss sensor placement, boundary behaviors, and sensor selection by application.    

8 Application Pillars- Applications Knowledge – The 8-Pillars of Ultrasound comprise the first step in connecting the dots between Foundational Knowledge and Practical Applications. Understand the concepts of FIT and how it ties back to understanding where ultrasound is most useful.

Condition Indicators – Applications Knowledge – SDT’s unique measurements are feedback mechanisms for truly understanding the specific condition of any asset. The Four Condition Indicators (4CI) take inspections beyond the single decibel and elevate the meanings derived from static trends. Understand how 4Ci develops understanding of the 4 stages of bearing failure.

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