May 21st, 2020, 11:00AM ET – Asset Reliability Improvement Techniques – Episode 18 Guest Speaker: Jesus Sifonte BSME MMRE CMRP P.Eng feat Allan Rienstra CRL
Developing a maintenance management strategy aligned with institutional objectives and based on the evaluation and mitigation of risks requires the orderly utilization of a series of tools that are often underused and poorly understood. Reliability is a key element in achieving excellence in maintenance management and keeping it at optimum levels guarantees the success of the organization in all aspects.
If most of our man-hours and financial resources are devoted to emergency maintenance and machines dictate your daily schedule, likely, production targets will sometimes be missed or ineffectively achieved. Likewise, if the proactive work that is done consists largely of replacements and repairs based on operating or calendar time recommended by the manufacturers of your machinery, you will notice that the maintenance costs exceed what is budgeted and the need for somehow optimizing maintenance management.
There are helpful tools to improve the results and competitiveness of your company by optimizing the performance of your assets. Asset Criticality Analysis plays an important role in prioritizing asset and maintenance management efforts. Likewise, the RCM-R® process produces maintenance and redesign tasks necessary to eliminate or reduce the effects of failures contributing to achieve business goals. FRCA-R® (Failure Root Cause Analysis Reengineered) also finds its place, although reactively, to assist us in finding the true causes of critical failure events and recommending their treatment for sustainable results. The RAM indicators witness the behavior of our assets and reveal the impact that maintenance management has on its performance. Finally, statistical tools for single fault mode event analysis reveal true fault behavior and help us adjust treatment accordingly.
- To know the scope of the main reliability improvement techniques
- To understand when and for what they should be used
- To Comprehend how they are positioned within the maintenance and asset management context
- To learn how the tools complement each other